July 2024

Alex Law - Head Gardener, Midlands

This July, try to embody the calmness of a cool summer breeze, relax about the rate at which everything is growing, water wisely to counter the rapid drying out of pots and containers, and mindfully receive the gifts the garden wants to give.

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June 2024

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

June brings us towards the middle of the year with the longest day towards the end of this month, bringing with it lovely long, warm evenings, and hopefully lots of sunshine!

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May 2024

Chelsea Lowe - Head Gardener, Scotland

The month of May is a busy but rewarding time for gardeners. A crescendo of plants are all hitting their stride and the garden inspires awe at every turn.

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April 2024

Lucy Thorpe - Head Gardener, South West

April for me is the true beginning of spring. With the spring equinox on 20 March, we are now able to enjoy gradually lighter evenings.

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March 2024

Matthew Lee - Head Gardener, Northern Ireland

Can you feel it? That buzz and excitement in the air, that urge to stay outside a little bit longer, to explore the forgotten garden of winter.

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February 2024

Owen Griffiths - Head Gardener, Wales

For most gardeners, February is the perfect time to start implementing a plan for the year ahead.

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January 2024

Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

Short days and bitter winds can make it hard to venture outside, but if you wrap up warm and face the elements, you’ll soon feel the benefits!

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December 2023

Alex Law - Head Gardener, Midlands

The colder, darker days of December might make spending time outdoors seem less appealing but there is still beauty, comfort and joy to be found in the garden.

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November 2023

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

November is when the garden really slows down to rest for the winter. It’s the final month of autumn when the deciduous trees and shrubs lose the last of their leaves.

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October 2023

Chelsea Lowe - Head Gardener, Scotland

October is one of the most atmospheric months, be sure to get out of the garden for a woodland walk, and revel in this golden liminal season.

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September 2023

Lucy Thorpe - Head Gardener, South West

We can have some gloriously sunny weather in September, so make sure you take the time to enjoy these moments and share all your hard work with others.

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August 2023

Matthew Lee - Head Gardener, Northern Ireland

Although the end of summer may be in sight as autumn feels just around the corner, with a few simple tips, you can keep the garden alive and awash with colour.

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July 2023

Jacqui Martin-Löf - Head Gardeners' Leader

July is the time to really enjoy your garden. Take time to relish the calming colours of the green spring growth slowly darkening into summer.

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June 2023

Owen Griffiths – Head Gardener, Wales

Summer has finally arrived and whilst it may be a busy month full of weeding and watering, it’s also the perfect time to take a moment to appreciate your green space whilst it’s full of vibrant colour, swathes of wildlife, and a few delicious homegrown treats too.

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May 2023

Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

May can be one of the most spectacular times of year in the garden. Bulbs begin to fade, and flowering herbaceous plants take centre stage. Deciduous trees are clothed in fresh green leaves and the first hints of summer can be felt.

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April 2023

Alex Law - Head Gardener, Midlands

Spring has officially arrived in Horatio's Garden and Head Gardener Alex is here to guide you through the seasonal quirks of April!

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March 2023

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

As little bursts of colour start to return to our gardens, Head Gardener Amy shares her top tips about trees.

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February 2023

Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

As we head into the second month of 2023, Head Gardener Sallie shares her words of wisdom about taking care of your garden and its wildlife this February.

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January 2023

Lucy Thorpe - Head Gardener, South West

It may have been a wet and windy start to 2023, but Head Gardener Lucy says there is still much to enjoy in the garden at the beginning of this new year!

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December 2022

Owen Griffiths - Head Gardener, Wales

It's the final Head Gardeners' Tips of the year, meaning it's time for a tool tidy, a spot of seasonal seed organising and an opportunity to see some winter gems springing up in gardens everywhere.

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November 2022

Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

Whilst the wet and wintry weather may not feel all that inviting, your plants, body and mind will all benefit every time you brave those chilly November days.

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October 2022

Alex Law - Head Gardener, Midlands

Autumnal days have appeared before us, so wrap up, head out and enjoy all the new sights, sounds and smells around and about!

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September 2022

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

As summer slips away, September is the perfect time to reflect on what's worked well in your garden, whilst it's also well-worth starting a spot of seasonal seed gathering!

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August 2022

Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

With little rain in sight, Head Gardener Sallie has some timely top tips for you when it comes to conserving water.

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JULY 2022

Lucy Thorpe - Head Gardener, South West

The solstice may have been and gone, but there are still plenty of summer days just waiting to be made the most of!

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JUNE 2022

Owen Griffiths - Head Gardener, Wales

With the long days stretching ahead of us, June is the time to make the most of the extended daylight hours - whether you're busy gardening, or simply enjoying spending time in the fresh air.

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MAY 2022

Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

RHS Chelsea season is upon us and whilst there's plenty to do in the garden, May was also made for simply taking some time out to enjoy the sight of everything springing to life.

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APRIL 2022

Alex Law - Head Gardener, Midlands

Whilst April showers might be a bit of myth, the promise of spring certainly isn't!

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MARCH 2022

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

This month, embrace the hope and promise your gardens hold and take time to appreciate the sights and sounds of spring.

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Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

It's time to get sowing and enjoy February's fresh spring starts with your family and friends.

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Owen Griffiths - Head Gardener, Wales

As another year begins in the garden, here are a few top tips to get you started in 2022.

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Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

The weather outside might be a little frightful, but there's always warmth and winter magic to be found in nature...

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Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Midlands

Whilst the days may be getting colder and growing shorter, there's still lots to be done and even more to enjoy in your garden.

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Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

Taking care of your soil is the top task for this autumn!

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Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

The world is beginning to wind down and now is the perfect time to gradually begin preparing for those looming autumnal days.

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Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

Flowers are flourishing, fruits are ripening and vegetables are thriving - just a taste of the delights awaiting you in August.

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JULY 2021

Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Midlands

Whether your garden is full of edibles, wildlife, ornamentals, or all three, Head Gardener Imogen is here to help!

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JUNE 2021

Amy Moffett - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

Now's the time to appreciate flourishing flowers and plant out those vibrant vegetables!

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MAY 2021

Stephen Hackett - Head Gardener, South West

Spring is certainly here to stay, so Head Gardener Stephen has decided to share his top tips on Sweet Peas, spring bulbs and meadow mowing.

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APRIL 2021

Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

Gardens everywhere are now well and truly awake, which means it's time to give something horticulturally creative a good go!

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MARCH 2021

Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

As the days lengthen and warmer climes arrive, there's plenty for you to enjoy in and around your gardens this spring.

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Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Midlands

Whilst the weather may be a little unpredictable, you can rely on the wisdom of Head Gardener Imogen come rain, wind, snow, or shine!

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Jacqui Martin-Löf - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

The promise of spring can already be appreciated this January.

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Stephen Hackett - Head Gardener, South West

This December, treat yourself to something sweet and make the most of the fresh winter air!

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Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

Find yourself a cosy corner and savour your gardens this November.

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Ashley Edwards - Head Gardener, London & South East

There’s a chill in the air, but still time to make the most of your gardens!

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Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Midlands

Autumn has arrived and so have this month's tips!

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Jacqui Martin-Lof - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

Flowers are the focus of this month's top tips!

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JULY 2020

Stephen Hackett - Head Gardener, Salisbury

Summer is officially in full swing, so here are a few ideas to keep your gardens looking tip top.

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JUNE 2020

Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

Summer is here and there's plenty to keep you busy in the garden!

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MAY 2020

Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Oswestry

The warm May days are on their way and your gardens will be buzzing with activity!

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APRIL 2020

Jacqui Martin-Lof - Head Gardener, Stoke Mandeville

April is a time for seed sowing, whether your a horticultural expert or a budding gardener.

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MARCH 2020

Stephen Hackett - Head Gardener, South West

Life is returning with vigour to gardens across the country, so why not take a look at this month's tips to help you make the most of it?

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Sallie Sillars - Head Gardener, Scotland

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Imogen Jackson - Head Gardener, Midlands

January might seem like a quiet time of year, but already your gardens will be showing signs of new beginnings...

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